Friday, May 31, 2013

International Flying: Nailed It!

We finally made it to Dresden!  We left Charlotte at 12:45 for a one hour flight to Atlanta.  Then it was 8 hours to Amsterdam, followed by another hour long flight to Berlin. I was certain our packs would end up in Turkey somewhere, but amazingly they made it. THEN it was a two hour drive to Dresden. Luckily neither of us had to drive. I just sat back and enjoyed the Autobahn. 

Our hotel is an amazing place built in the 1500s. We arrived a little earlier than expected and our room won't be ready until 3:00 so we're currently hanging out in a downtown apartment belonging to the bride's brother. (We're in Germany for a wedding and Mike is the best man. Why don't I have friends like that?!)

The architecture here is just beautiful. I can't wait to get out and explore. Right now I am exhausted and jet lagged so we're going to take a nap before tonight's festivities. 

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